Because Environment, Social and Governance Matters

We deliver value added services – Sustainability 2.0


The environment is the universe that defines the limits to social and economic capitals employed.

The environment is a capital that is not just managed to reduce the negative impact, but rather to be restored and regenerated.

Our expertise covers a wide range of environmental issues:

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We work with clients to appreciate the non-linear dynamics of human systems and harness the groundswell of positive action that they can create. Using collaborative engagement, we discover motivating factors and foster change management to align individual and corporate goals based on deep listening, consensus and self-appreciation.

We successfully apply the non-linear thinking in human systems productivity to leverage existing ESG systems when devising social strategy and programmes for clients.

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Governance is the bedrock of effective ESG strategy.

We view governance as a necessarily long-term and resilient systems management framework. Our approach is to shift policy thinking from a linear control mechanism to managing the capacity for ESG systems to cope, adapt and shape change as the organisation itself changes. We have undertaken several projects that successfully reflect this shift in systems design to direct and re-direct ESG development within organisations.

Our governance expertise covers the range of issues where robust ESG systems provides a leadership role in development:

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